I've decided that instead of going to the bay area for a month, I'm going to spend the entire quarter here in Boston, and then spend a few months in Oakland after I graduate.
Here's what happened: a few days ago I read on Because We Can's blog that they're offering a couple internships, one of which is focused on the use of CNC tech. As you can imagine, my first reaction was extreme interest, thinking I could do it right after I graduated, but after a few moments of consideration I decided that I'd probably be better off just going straight into business for myself.
A couple days later I found myself re-considering this internship. As it turns out, part of my resistance to it was the fact that I was very weary of becoming too interested in the bay area as a place to set up shop because I'm already in love with Boston. As I thought about this, I realized that this had caused me subconsciously to sabotage it's chances by only spending a month there, while giving Boston the better part of two. If instead I spent a full four months in Oakland, I'd be much more likely to get a more full picture of what living there was really like, and have more time to make the connections I would need. The more I thought about this idea, the more I liked it; even if I didn't get the internship it would still be a better plan. Another benefit would be that I would then be free to spend the full quarter here which, considering how long it's been taking to get the CNC up and running, would be very helpful.
After talking to several people about this plan and hearing no strong objections, and making sure my housemate wouldn't mind me staying an extra month, I decided to go ahead and put this plan into action. I'll miss not being able to see my father and step-mother for Thanksgiving, but being able to spend that much more time with them in the summer should make up for it.
Well said. We'll miss you, but relish the thought of having more of you in the Spring. Love.