Saturday, October 30, 2010

Busy Busy

Lots has happened in the past few days.  First off, I forgot to mention on Monday that I got all the pieces for the gantry milled out by Terry at Village Sign Works and picked them up last Saturday.  As you can see, I've also made headway on putting them together.
On Tuesday I put in all the orders for hardware, and today the last package arrived!  Sourcing the aluminum rails locally proved to be a great idea.  It turns out that there's a local company called Admiral Metals that sold me full ten foot rails; this allowed me to avoid having a join in the long x-axis rails, which would most likely have caused a small bump.  I also happend to run into a fellow CNC machinist while I was there who offered to help me machine any small parts I might need.  I love this town.  
I now have everything I need to finish the build; the only thing I have yet to get is an old computer to run the thing, but I've got several leads.  Tomorrow is going to be a long work day.


  1. Great progress! I think I'm looking at the concrete bed, well poured. Looking forward to seeing the final assembly!!


  2. When you're on the right track, things just seem to click. So pleased to hear about all the clicking!

  3. David, this is fascinating! I am so glad you are finding Boston such a fertile land for you. I had a great time at the Rally in DC - saw Ryan and spoke to hom about your travel quarter projects - he would love to read your blog - has one of his own that is mostly his ideas/philosophising - want to connect him to yours? let me know.

  4. David, make sure you see on YouTube the last 5 minutes of the rally - Jon SDtewart's brillant final comments - brillant!!!!
