Thursday, August 12, 2010

Boy, you'll be a burner soon.

I was working on my CNC machine last night (snugged up a lot to reduce play, installed router) in the shop which happens to be part of the local burner community, and as often happens people were trying to talk me into going to Burning Man. Usually I can't because of school, and said so, until someone mentioned the actual dates of the festival.
It starts on the 31st. My final crit is on the 27th.
Holy shit, I could make burning man.
Next thing I know, I'm being handed a packing list while someone looks up on their phone how much a flight to meet the caravan in Salt Lake City would cost. Turns out if I fly out the evening after my final crit, I'd easily be able to meet the group en route, and then drive back with them after the burn. There's already space for my stuff in a trailer, and a spot waiting for me in a camp. All I have to do is say yes so they can find me a cheap ticket.
Bloody hell, I'm going to Burning Man.

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